Add a New Agency User

Add a New Agency User

To add a new agency user to your account, complete the following procedures:

1. Log into (user must have Agency Administrator or Department Administrator privileges).

2. Click the Maintain Your Agency’s Users link under Admin Maintenance.

3. Click the Add User button, displayed as the blue button at the top of the table listing all active users.

4. Complete the New User record:

A. In the Login Name field, type the User ID that the new user will use to log into the website. Only alpha and/or numeric characters may be used do not use punctuation characters or spaces.

B. In the Password field, type the password that the new user will use to log into the website. Only alpha and/or numeric characters may be used do not use punctuation characters or spaces.

C. In the Verify Password field, retype the password.

D. In the Name field, type the new user’s name.

E. In the Title field, type the new user’s title/position.

F. In the Security Level options, select the radio button for the type of access assigned to the new user. Click here for more information regarding security levels.

G. In the address and telephony fields, complete all address, telephone, and email information for the new user.

H. Click Continue. A message is displayed verifying that the new user was added successfully.

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