By Specific 3-, 5-, 7-, or 11-Digit Code

By Specific 3-, 5-, 7-, or 11-Digit Code

To search the NIGP Commodity Code by a specific 3-, 5-, 7-, or 11-digit commodity code number, complete the following procedures:

1. Log into the website.

2. Click the Keyword Search link, found on the NIGP Search on the navigation bar.

3. In the specific code lookup field, type the code number that you would like to search for. Any Number of digits that match the number you enter will be displayed. 3-, 5-, 7-, or 11-digit commodity number format is acceptable, with or without dashes. For example, type 620, 620-25, 62025523011. Typing 62005 will return any code that matches the digits and anything higher.


4. Click Perform Search to display the results of your commodity code search.

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