By Category Drill Down Search

By Category Drill Down Search

To search the NIGP Commodity Code by “drilling down” the 30 high-level category listings, follow these steps:

1. Log into the website. The NIGP Living Code main menu is displayed:


2. Choose the “Category” link, located under the NIGP Search menu heading Drill Down Search. The category listing is displayed. (To begin your search directly at the item “Class” level, simply select the “Class” link from this menu.)


3. In the Category listing, click the category item code number you would like to search. The Class listing for that category is displayed:


4. In the Class listing, click the code number of the class you would like to search. The Item listing is displayed:


5. In the Item listing, click the code number for the item you would like to search. The Group listing is displayed:


6. In the Group listing, click the code number of the item you would like to search. The Detail information is displayed.


Use the search results page to navigate between different levels in your drilldown search by clicking the code number of the level you wish to return to.

7. To begin a new commodity/services code search, simply choose “Category” or “Class” from the Search menu.

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